Cayendo sin paracaídas

Monday, June 27, 2005

A Moment of International Understanding

[Un poco atrasado, escrito por Will]

A Chinaman walked up to me today in a Beijing subway station, and
pointed at my T shirt where it has a picture of a little man with a
globe (i.e. the world) in his hands, and the word "explora"
underneath. This is a literal and exact account of our conversation.

Chinaman: expluugfdaaa
Will: [smiling] ex-plo-ra
C: expoooaaaa
W: [smiling] yes
C: [pointing at the globe with a knowing look] fuchibol (football he meant)
W: [smiling] yes
C: where yuu from?
W: Chile
C: [knowing look] Kangarooo
W: [smiling]
C: [even more knowing look] Kangarooo, Kangaroo
W: [smiling] yes

I then got on the train as he waving goodbye as showed me, with his
hands, how tall the Kangaroos were in Chile (taller than him).

That was among the best conversations I have had with a Chinaman after
a week in Beijing. I feel proud to have so furthered international
understanding and goodwill.

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